For quite some time, there has been a known tension between the pharmaceutical industry and the strides made by integrative or alternative medicine. The pharmaceutical giants, who have been major contributors to the drugs used in human treatment, view the rise of alternative therapies as a potential threat to their substantial profits. What initially may have started as a noble cause has evolved into a billion-dollar industry, with the protection of profits becoming a primary concern. However, it’s important to note that not all companies in the pharmaceutical industry are driven solely by financial gains, and there are ethical players in the pursuit of cures.
FDA Restricting Access to Vitamin C
Adding to this complex scenario, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has dealt a blow to the progress of alternative medicine. The FDA, a federal agency in the US, aims to protect public health by ensuring the safety of drugs, biological products, medical devices, and more. However, concerns have arisen regarding the agency’s broad powers, which may be misinterpreted and selectively applied.
In the latest development, the FDA is accused of contributing to a serious shortage of intravenous vitamin C. This move is seen as part of a broader attempt to limit the growth of alternative medicine, which relies on natural and non-toxic treatment methods, posing competition to prescription drugs. There are speculations about an improper alliance between the FDA and Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical industry), though the actual truth remains uncertain.
The FDA attributes its actions to an outbreak of Meningitis linked to injectable steroids contaminated by a fungus from a compounding pharmacy, the same pharmacies producing intravenous vitamin C. However, some sources suggest that the ban might be linked to a news story about a Swine flu patient’s remarkable recovery with intravenous vitamin C treatment. Regardless of the reasons behind these actions, the consequences are evident: a critical shortage of intravenous vitamin C, putting patients’ lives at risk.
Vitamin C in the Fight Against Cancer
Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, boosts the immune system, enhancing resistance to infection and protecting against various diseases. Less known is its ability, when administered intravenously in high doses, to selectively kill cancer cells. Unlike chemotherapy, which affects both healthy and cancerous cells indiscriminately, intravenous vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells. In the realm of alternative therapies combating cancer, vitamin C is indispensable, playing a crucial role in primary cancer treatments (categorized under biological therapies) by stimulating the immune system to target cancer cells specifically.
The shortage of this vital antioxidant is currently localized to the US, and it is hoped that stakeholders will reach a consensus to address this issue promptly. If you have any questions about the therapies we offer at Verita Life, feel free to reach out, and our patient representative will guide you through the available treatment options.